Laser Hair Removal
Icon ™ Laser
Service Description
Laser Hair Removal Q & A What is laser hair removal? Laser hair removal is a treatment that permanently reduces the amount of hair in a targeted area. The results last your lifetime. Kumar Quality Medical Care uses the industry-leading Cynosure® Icon™ laser for laser hair removal to give you the most effective, most comfortable treatment possible. With this specialized laser, the team can remove hair from virtually any part of your body, including your: Face Neck Chest Arms Legs Bikini area Underarms The hair treated during each laser treatment doesn’t grow back, meaning you get permanent results with the Icon laser. How does laser hair removal work? During laser hair removal, your Kumar Quality Medical Care provider directs the laser over areas where you want hair removed. The laser passes safely through the surface of your skin into your hair follicle. Because the hair follicle is darker than the surrounding skin, the laser is able to hone in on it. As it does, it heats the hair follicle, eventually completely destroying it. Once destroyed, the hair follicle doesn’t repair itself. That means that follicle is no longer able to produce hair, giving you permanent hair reduction. For most patients, Kumar Quality Medical Care recommends a series of laser hair removal treatments. That’s because not all of your hair follicles are active at all times, and each laser hair treatment can only target active follicles. Repeat treatments ensure you get the smooth, hair-free results you want. What does laser hair removal feel like? By design, the Icon laser system has your comfort in mind. Most patients say the sensation of the treatment is at most like a rubber band being lightly snapped against their skin. And the laser works fast, meaning you can treat some areas in just minutes. Your Kumar Quality Medical Care provider talks with you before treatment, letting you know what you should expect to feel, how long your specific treatment will take, and what kind of results you should anticipate. Their goal is to educate you, so you feel confident and informed every step of the way. If you’re interested in laser hair removal, don’t hesitate to call Kumar Quality Medical Care or book an appointment online.